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Aircraft Icing

Archived AeroTex News

16th April 2007 by
October AeroTex presents paper at the 2nd OpenFOAM Users Conference
June AeroTex co-chairs session at AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference
January AeroTex participate in 3 month UKAC Active Rotor Research Study
December AeroTex performs the validation test for the Clean Sky HETEMS project at the CIRA facility in Italy, with support from Dassault Aviation and Zodiac Aerospace
October AeroTex performs the Trials Management and Icing Expert role for a RIPS (Rotor Ice Protection System) test at the NRC facility, Canada
March AeroTex performs Trials Management role for an engine intake icing trial at the GKN Icing Research Tunnel, Luton
January AeroTex wins EU Framework 7 project ‘STORM’ (Efficient ice protection Systems and simulation Techniques Of ice Release on propulsive systeMs), as part of a large European consortium with Snecma as the Topic Manager
October AeroTex performs consultancy role for a 5-week ice protection system test at the NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel facility, USA
June AeroTex releases a 2D Alpha release version of the HETEMS code to consortium members
December AeroTex wins Clean Sky project ‘SANDIT’ (Scoop and NACA Divergent Intake Trial), as part of a consortium including GKN Aerospace Services, EPM Technology and Altair Engineering, with Airbus as the Topic Manager
December AeroTex wins Clean Sky project ‘ELWIPS’ (Electro-thermal Laminar Wing Ice Protection System), as part of a consortium including Meggitt Polymers and Composites, Meggitt Artus and the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, with Dassault Aviation as the Topic Manager
13th – 17th June AeroTex attends the SAE International Conference on Aircraft and Engine Icing and Ground Deicing, with Richard Moser as co-chair, and both Roger Gent and Colin Hatch presenting papers
16th April Ian Roberts joins AeroTex as an Aeroelastics and Dynamics expert
March AeroTex performs Icing Wind Tunnel development testing of a new thermal probe based LWC sensor
December AeroTex moves to a larger premises
12th October AeroTex signs grant agreement for European Union Clean Sky Research Programme – HETEMS
4th August Participation in AIRA 3D icing code workshop
2nd – 5thAugust Attendance at AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, Toronto
19th April Colin Hatch joins AeroTex as a Structural Dynamics expert
1st March Peter Hicks joins AeroTex as an RAIS placement, aiming to aid in development of 3D solvers
7th February Initial release version of IDP analysis code
10th December AeroTex signs grant agreement for European Union Clean Sky Research Programme, jointly with GKN Aerospace – SIPAL
10th December AeroTex signs grant agreement for European Union Clean Sky Research Programme – SLD_Scoop
14th November Richard Moser accepts position as general co-chair for the 2011 SAE International Conference on Aircraft and Engine Icing and Ground De-Icing
10th – 12th November Attendance at SAE AeroTech Conference, Seattle
21st July Initial release version of TAC2 analysis code
16th July Initial release version of IHB analysis code
2nd April Initial release version of ET3D analysis code
24th – 27th September Attendance at SAE Aircraft and Engine Icing International Conference, Seville
1st May Roger Gent joins AeroTex UK LLP
16th April AeroTex UK LLP starts trading
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